NCTM BLOWS THE BIG ONES: Technology Position Paper, MRP response (and so much more) Inadequate

What can you say about an eighty-eight year old organization that died? That it was arrogant and complacent? That it loved power, money, and influence (or at least the illusion of them) more than being effective, and blew it all anyway? In March, NCTM released its latest position paper, " The Role of Technology in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics ." This paper also appears in its entirety in the May/June NCTM News Bulletin, along with a bland piece on the National Math Panel Report (NMP), and an equally bland first "President's Message" from newly-installed Henry S. Kepner, Jr. Put them all (and more) together and you may get a sense of why I am so disenchanted with NCTM as an effective organization we need to lead us towards meaningful change in mathematics education. Though it us the favorite target of the various anti-reform spokes-holes, nay-sayers, and prophets (profits?) of doom, both individuals and groups who decry every new idea about math cont...