Changing Order of Topics: An Example From Practice

Some day, my princess will come. And she'll be passionately interested in discussing questions of actual teaching practice in mathematics classrooms. Actually, of course, many such exist, but getting them together on this blog or in open, active public forums, having the time to participate actively, etc., isn't always a trivial task. For full-time teachers, time is always at a premium, and while there are many good resources on the Internet, tracking down what would really be productive for one's own work can be difficult. From my perspective, one of the shortcomings of even the best conversations about practice, however, is the lack of access to specific classroom data, particularly video with supporting documentation (teacher journals, samples of student work, assessment instruments, observer notes, etc.) that would allow other practitioners to engage in deep analysis of what goes on in mathematics teaching based on common access to the same materials. As a former litera...