What Can Division Tell Us About Multiplication? (Part I)

In my tireless pursuit of the question raised this past summer by Keith Devlin in a series of columns in the MAA MONTHLY (" It Ain't No Repeated Addition " (June 2008); "It's Still Not Repeated Addition" (July-August 2008); and " Multiplication and Those Pesky English Spellings " (September 2008)) regarding the potential harm of leaving students with the belief that multiplication is nothing more than repeated addition, I am doing extensive reading about how children learn about, think about, and are taught to think about mathematics and the connection amongst and differences between the operations. One leg of this journey brings me to consider division. There are a number of ways to think about division, but the two "big ideas" looked at in school mathematics are the partitive or "fair sharing" model and the quotative or "measurement" model. Partitive Division With Whole Numbers As a quick overview or review, let...