Professor Frank Quinn Says: "Calculators? Whoa!"

Frank Quinn doesn't like calculators: (what about his dog?) The current (May 2008) NOTICES OF THE AMS contains the following opinion piece from Virginia Tech mathematician, Frank Quinn. It bears noting that the mathematics education folks at his university are members of the math department, which must make for some fun faculty meetings. K–12 Calculator Woes In the third grade my daughter complained that she wasn’t learning to read. She switched schools, was classified as Learning Disabled, and with special instruction quickly caught up. The problem was that her first teacher used a visual word recognition approach to reading, but my daughter has a strong verbal orientation. The method did not connect with her strongest learning channel and her visual channel could not compensate. The LD teacher recognized this and changed to a phonics approach. My daughter was not alone. So many children had trouble that verbal methods are now widely used and companies make money offering phonics ...