
Showing posts from June, 2009

You Want Proof? I'll GIVE You Proof!

Once again, the fires of discord are raging on One of the threads I've been embroiled in revolves on several axes: one is about teaching pure mathematics in K-12. Another is about visual proofs. The one I wish to specifically deal with here is the one that links the two: what comprises the nature of proof in elementary school mathematics classrooms and how do we get students in those grades to develop their notions of what a mathematical proof actually is? The problems in having this sort of conversation in a hostile forum like math-teach are legion. One problem is that only a few of the participants are K-12 teachers, and fewer still are K-5 teachers or spend time working with elementary students and/or their teachers. Another is the long history of enmity from the Math Wars that tends to inform most conversations there. Fortunately, the one I'm going to pull from is not being polluted by the more egregiously nasty sorts of name-calling (due in no sma...

Math Test - a poem.

I occasionally get requests to post guest pieces at RME, but invariably they prove to be from people looking to promote some sort of commercial web site or service. As those so requesting fail to offer to adequately grease my palm, I always refuse, sometimes in less than friendly fashion. However, I received a work today of such outstanding literary merit, so fraught with relevance to many of the concerns of this blog, that I could not refuse despite the lack of financial incentives from the author. For now, I am going to publish this without attribution to the author, though in due course his or her name will be appended in an updated version. I will state unequivocally that I am NOT the author, though I did, with permission, make one substantive change to improve a rhyme. It did not change the intended meaning, however. The Math Test by Zane Goldenberg Dietz Oh no. I'm screwed. Why didn't I study? I blankly stare at Question Three. I feel it staring back at me. I feel my hea...