From Susan Ohanian

I urge everyone to read the petition and seriously consider signing it. Forward it, link to it, get the word out.
From: Susan Ohanian
Date: June 10, 2007
Subject: Re: [eddra] Announcing the Rational Mathematics Education blog
Educator Roundtable invites all of you to join the grassroots movement.
Sign the petition to end NCLB.
Buy 100 booklets explaining, in dispassionate, factual fashion, just what is IN NCLB. The booklet, written by a teacher/researcher, Elizabeth Jaeger, is written in the hopes that activists will distribute information to the community. We can start the revolution if each of you hold a conversation with 100 people.
We are selling the booklet at cost: 100 for $50.
Our object is not to sell booklets but to start those conversations.
You can send me your snail address, and I will send you the booklets.
Susan Ohanian
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