You Say You Want A Revolution? Try Some "Inconvenient Truth" About Deformers
Brian Jones and Julie Cavenaugh:
Two Courageous Teachers
I had the pleasure and privilege of attending the premiere of THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH BEHIND Waiting For Superman on Thursday night and hearing the excellent panel discussion afterwards. This is a movie that, as Diane Ravitch said, needs to go viral. Go here to request a copy: Consider showing it wherever you can. And think about this: we're individuals, working collectively, to fight a small number of billionaires and their pawns and puppets. There are vastly more of us than there are of them. Our futures and those of our children and grandchildren are at stake. The very essence of democracy and the role of free public education therein are facing serious threats, not from foreign forces or terrorists, but from corporate interests and the super-rich. Every major US city, particularly where there are a lot of poor and minority people, faces a direct threat from privatization, but ultimately, if the deformers are allowed to win, they will spread their poison everywhere.
Consider making versions of ITBWFS that focus on your city or region. LAUSD, Chicago, Washington, DC, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Miami are some of the most immediate, obvious targets, but no doubt there are many others.
Diane Ravitch said on Thursday that no billionaires are coming to save us or do the hard work for us. We have to do it ourselves. And it's about time we did.
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